Care By Design Hemp Coupon Codes
It was nearly a decade ago that the Care By Design team first began researching CBD. Given that CBD is currently the “It Gal” of plant-based wellness, it may surprise you that, when we started, they had a hard time finding high quality plant material. Even in California where people love their heirloom strains and celebrate biodiversity CBD-rich plants had been bred almost completely out of existence. Their first step was to identify and breed high CBD plants. This took us a few years, but in 2013 we finally found some excellent strains that were rich in CBD and other healing compounds. They began planting acres and areas of clean, healthy, high CBD plants that were nurtured under the warm California sun. Early on, few people knew how best to extract cannabinoids like CBD. Their team began working to crack the code, looking to other industries for guidance and insights. Initially, we settled on a process commonly used to decaffeinate coffee. A few years later, they developed a unique cold-pressed method designed to unlock the full spectrum of beneficial compounds not just CBD but also terpenes, flavonoids, minor cannabinoids, and cannabinoid acids.